The World's Fair has remained remarkable among Maine Fairs in that it has retained completely the atmosphere of the Old Time Agricultural Fair.
The North Waterford Fair, established in 1852, was originally known as Tom Greene's Fair, as it took place in a field below his home.

The mission of the Waterford World’s Fair Association shall be the preservation of the past, promotion of the present, and education on the future, of agriculture, horticulture, mechanical arts, and rural and domestic economy of the surrounding community.
The Association shall hold and promote an agricultural fair each year to serve as its primary medium to achieve its mission. The primary focus of the agricultural fair is to, first and foremost, serve as a showcase of the talents of the youth of the community by providing a means of education, exhibit and competition of the various livestock and non-livestock projects the youth are involved in. The Association will also use the agricultural fair to highlight the heritage of the community, and its ties to agriculture, industry, and businesses that are the backbone of the community.
The Association shall also host and promote non-fair events that will aid in sustaining the Association, while keeping in focus the overall mission of the Association. It will use its own Board members, as well as volunteers from community organizations, civic clubs and individuals to make up the necessary manpower and expertise that is needed to ensure the Association fulfills its mission.
“A World’s Fair? In North Waterford, Maine? It didn’t begin so grandly. Initiated in 1850 as Tom Greene’s Fair — named for its founder, who traded in livestock in the village of North Waterford — its early exhibits were set up on store porches and in the schoolhouse, farmers raced their trotting horses on a straight stretch of the public road, and ox pulling competitions were held on the village’s main street…”